Thursday, November 4, 2010

Seasons, Ending & Beginning...

So the Woodbine Farmer's Market season is officially over. The really, truly last market was Tuesday, and it was great! We were so glad to go, and enjoyed seeing a number of repeat customers along with a dear friend! Thank you customers and friends for supporting us in these, our earliest days... We so appreciate all the support and encouragement we've gotten!

But while we are sad to not see our market friends until the spring, we are moving into a new season of selling muffins!

Last week was our first foray into selling muffins at local businesses, and it was such a success that we went back again this week, just before the farmer's market was to begin. In just a few hours we sold nearly ALL of our muffins - so many, in fact, that we barely had enough to sell at Woodbine! And we were (yet again) asked to come back regularly by several of the businesses... Yay! This is fantastic for us!

We would like to work toward selling muffins two days a week, but balancing homeschooling and muffin-making has not been easy thus far. Especially since this is our first year homeschooling, and there have been some transition issues for everybody. So for now, I think we are just going to work on selling muffins on Tuesdays, and maybe in a few months, after the holiday rush has died down, we'll consider moving up to two days a week.

In the meantime, if you are looking for muffin or pancake and waffle mix, feel free to drop me an e-mail or call. We can drop off, or if you're not local, we can ALWAYS ship!

I would love to hear some suggestions of local businesses who might enjoy having a weekly or bi-weekly muffin delivery set up, so if you know of anyone, please pass the word on... And as always, tell all your friends about us!

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