Monday, October 11, 2010

Woodbine Farmer's Market Tomorrow

Hey all,

It's that time of week again, and the Woodbine Farmer's Market is tomorrow, October 12th, from 3:30-6:30!

We'll be there selling aprons, mixes and muffins. This week's flavors will be:

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip (some with pecans, too!)
Banana Nut Chocolate Chip
Cranberry Orange Pecan

And anything else that sounds tasty and I can whip up easily. :O)

Hope to see you there! Happy fall!


  1. i would love to come but am working in franklin and don't know if i can make it over there in time. is there any way i could put an order in?? i love the blog btw

  2. Heather! Thank you so much for the comment and the compliment. :O)

    I wish you could have made it, but I completely understand. :O) Next week (the 26th) is the last week for the farmer's market, so maybe you can catch us then.

    You can certainly put in an order - feel free to e-mail me and we can work something out! Hope to hear from you soon...
